FIRE Forms
FIRE comes "out of the box" with it's own set of forms or screens. It includes an area to enter customer information including contact details and directions, a screen to enter charges, a screen to track which of your employees was on the job, doing what and for how long, a screen for notes or log of events, and more.
But what about your own forms, or customizations for the existing ones? FIRE Forms includes support for the following features:
- Field Type Variety -- Text only fields, Drop-down Select, Editable Drop-Down, Date and/or Time Select, Large Comments block, etc.
- Validation -- Mandatory Entry, Number only, Selection only, If / Or cases, etc.
- Grouped & Repeatable Blocks -- Keep a group of information together if making multiple visits, surveying multiple sites, or any other case. This is a powerful feature which can also include sub-groups within groups.
- Supporting Database -- Can be use to populate what options the user has available, or help them fill out the form
- Auto-Population -- When data has been filled out in another area, it can be auto-populated into other forms. For example the Customer information from the main entry is typically automatically copied to all other forms, reducing errors and time
- Printable -- Can create an Adobe PDF print, including definition of which fields are included or left out of print
- Remote Deployment -- Forms can be created and pushed out to users without requiring upgrades or new installations
- Other "Widgets" -- User friendly tools that can help the user fill out the form or complete their work
All the forms and screens mentioned below can be change to suit your needs, or brand new ones created. Do you need a different name for a field, do you want it mandatory, or do you just not need it? No problem -- these changes can be handled as part of the standard framework.
In additional to this ability to customize, one of the most powerful aspects of FIRE is that it allows you to integrate almost any form into the system that you can imagine.
In fact, as a general rule if you can do it in Excel, then you can do it in FIRE.
Do you have a safety form you use for tracking incidents, a pressure survey form for tracking operational information, or a customer survey the you would like filled out every job? We can either do it, or we already have done it.
Contact Us and we'll even show you how easy it can be to integrate your own forms.
To get a better idea or what is possible, below you can find some examples of custom FIRE Forms:
Form Name
This data is critical for later processing of data for client delivery, and in fact these form have also been integrated into separate FIRE screens used to manage who processed the data and and when, after it is delivered to the head office.
Safety Form
Again, these forms also tie into a module within FIRE Online that helps manage any actions and/or reports that result from this form data being captured by field personnel.
In addition, reporting on the form data is incredibly easy within FIRE, without requiring a single keystroke to re-enter data or consolidate it from various sources.
Of course the whole purpose of filling out the forms is to get at the information contained in them.
And this is where FIRE really shines. With FIRE forms all of your data is on one place. You can report on it, correlate and compare it to any information captured on any other form or any other ticket. And you can do it all on the same FIRE system that your employees use every day, without additional licensing costs or complexities.
So stop wasting time re-entering the same information in multiple forms, mining various databases or spreadsheets for information, and trying to standardize or roll out new standards.
Use FIRE to simplify all your Forms and data into one place.
And then you can finally stop thinking about how to get the forms filled out correctly -- instead start thinking about what those forms are actually telling you.